B.S. in Psychology

_OPS Degree Social Media Posts_nowatermark  (6).pngThe Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree is designed to provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human behavior and how it impacts daily living for individuals, families, and society. Students will obtain the essential skills and knowledge to apply behavioral science concepts, principles, skills, and methods in field settings such as nonprofit mental health and social service organizations or local and state government agencies. Upon completion of the program, students may also consider graduate study in counseling, criminology, psychology, social work, sociology, or other helping professions.


  • Family Program Management
  • Social Services
  • Child Welfare and Services Aid
  • Preparation for a Master's Degree in Counseling

PSYC 2013 Positive Psychology 
PSYC 2143 Writing for Psychology 
PSYC 2153 Principles of Biblical Counseling 
PSYC 3133 Psychology of Learning 
PSYC 3323 History and Theories of Psychology and Counseling 
PSYC 3433 Development Psychology-Lifespan 
PSYC 3443 Psychology Research Methodology 
PSYC 3123 Educational Psychology 
PSYC 4133 Theories of Personality 
PSYC 4143 Quantitative and Qualitative Statistics 
PSYC 4223 Abnormal Psychology 
PSYC 4243 Biological Psychology


Students may earn college credit for college-level prior learning experience through the completion and evaluation of a prior learning portfolio. These credits apply toward the student's degree requirements through their electives.

Students who do not have qualifying Prior Learning Experience, may also have a psychology internship.


To Speak with an Admissions Representative, call:
(405) 789-7661