转让信用评估政策 & 程序


必须收到考虑转学分的学院和大学的正式成绩单, 打开, 由k8注册官授权的人员认证并盖章为“官方”. The registrar's office will not accept transcripts 打开 by other offices or agencies of the university unless they have been authorized by the 注册商 as official agents of the registrar’s office. Unauthorized offices or personnel of the university should be careful when opening mail 和 should forward all official college/university transcripts to the Office of the 注册商 和 alert the registrar's office immediately if an accidental opening occurs. 一旦收到正式成绩单并由授权人员盖章, official copies must be sent to the Office of the 注册商 where they will remain a permanent part of the student’s record. The registrar’s office will transfer credits to the k8 transcript after an official evaluation of transcripts as they apply to equivalencies 和 course/program requirements.


招生办公室可以进行初步审查, unofficial transfer credit evaluations for prospective students 和 those who are enrolling in courses for the upcoming semester or module, 但要等到注册办公室把学分转到k8的成绩单上, 最初的转移信用评估只是一个估计, 招生人员不能保证转学学分的接受和等效性. 然而, 注册办公室将使用首字母, 作为学分转移指南的非官方评价. Any errors or discrepancies will be communicated with the admissions office that conducted the initial evaluation.



  1. Transfer credit will be accepted by k8 from regionally accredited colleges 和 colleges accredited by the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) 和 Transnational Association of Christian Colleges 和 Schools (TRACS). 西南基督教大学 also accepts credits from international institutions that are state chartered or recognized by their respective Ministry of Education/Higher Education or covered by the European Credit Transfer 和 Accumulation System (ECTS) through the Bologna Process. The Office of the 注册商 validates equivalencies using the guidelines of the Oklahoma Association of Collegiate 注册商s 和 招生 Officers (OACRAO) 和 World Education Services (WES) 和 in consultation with department chairs who administer the courses.
  2. Courses counted as requirements of the major core must carry a grade of "C" or better to count toward the degree. All other transfer credit hours must meet k8 grade requirements equal to non-transfer students at k8 in order to transfer 和 count toward the degree. 不管转多少学分, all transfer students must complete at least 30 credit hours of coursework in classes offered through k8 in order to graduate from k8 和 60 hours from a bachelor's degree granting institution, 包括在k8获得的. 
  3. Lower-division courses (freshmen 和 sophomore level) may transfer as equivalencies 和 substitutions for k8 lower-division courses on the approval of the registrar based on course descriptions. 至少60%的课程描述必须与k8课程相关.
  4. Courses counted as requirements of the major core must carry a grade of "C" or better to count toward the degree. All other transfer credit hours must meet k8 grade requirements equal to non-transfer students at k8 in order to transfer 和 count toward the degree.
  5. 如果k8持有与国家认可或非认可机构的衔接协议, 转让学分和等价物将按照协议中规定的方式使用. 如果在协议中没有写明具体的等同, 可向注册商提出制定衔接协议的书面请求.
  6. 有关圣经解释的课程, 考证, 和 hermeneutics will not transfer to fulfill the Christian Literacy requirements at k8 without written authorization from the Chair of the Christian Studies Department.
  7. Courses considered remedial or developmental will be transferred in for credit hours; however, 这些课程不计入完成学位.
  8. 适用于2013年秋季入学的k8学生, either by initial admission or readmission (after they have been away from our institution at least a semester), 累积绩点不能与转学分一起转移. 因此, k8成绩单将显示接受转学的课程的TR(转学)成绩, 未被录取的学生将不会显示在k8的成绩单上. (Students may file a written appeal with the Office of the 注册商 if they feel a course should be accepted for transfer. 在这种情况下,将咨询学术委员会作出决定.如果需要其他机构的GPA来评估奖学金或体育项目, 可以联系注册办公室, 并且可以生成其他机构的官方成绩单副本.
  9. k8 students may not be concurrently enrolled in classes at k8 和 at another higher education institution for the purpose of transferring credit to k8 without receiving the advanced approval of the chief academic officer.
  10. 转学学分将在收到后立即记入k8成绩单, 副本将被发送到各个招生办公室.

The official transfer credit evaluation is completed when transfer credits appear on the student's k8 transcript 和 degree audit. 如果适用的话, the transferred classes will be assigned equivalencies that will appear on the student's degree audit in the student portal.

Transfer credits are evaluated by the Office of the 注册商 based on accreditation of the transferring institution, 学生选修课程时有效目录中的课程描述, 大学水平(低年级或高年级), 和, 在必要的时候, 经系主任或研究领域院长批准. 对于俄克拉何马州的机构, the transfer equivalency is determined by the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education transfer program (http://www.okhighered.org/transfer-students/course-transfer.shtml). 没有同等学分的学分只能作为选修课转移.

Students who wish to appeal transfer credits 和/or equivalencies may do so by submitting to the registrar's office a Transfer Credit Equivalency Appeal Form within 90 days from the time the transfer credits appear on the student's k8 transcript 和 degree audit. 上诉必须包括有证据支持的改变等效性的理由, 包括但不限于课程描述和/或课程大纲. The registrar will not consider appeals that include verbiage referring to what admissions personnel told the student in an unofficial transfer credit evaluation.

一旦收到上诉, 如果注册主任认定上诉不能得到所提供证据的支持, 注册主任将与管理该课程的系主任或院长协商, 如果有必要的话, 教授这门课程的学院院长. The decision of the department chair or dean is final 和 will be communicated to the student by the registrar within 30 days from the time the appeal is received.




Students who wish to appeal transfer credit equivalencies may do so by submitting this 转学分评估上诉 form within 90 days from the time the transfer credits appear on the student's k8 transcript. 上诉必须包括有证据支持的改变等效性的理由, 包括但不限于课程描述和/或课程大纲. The registrar will not consider appeals that include verbiage referring to what admissions personnel told the student in an unofficial transfer credit evaluation. 一旦收到上诉, 如果注册主任认定上诉不能得到所提供证据的支持, 注册主任将与管理该课程的系主任协商, 如果有必要的话, 教授这门课程的学院院长. The decision of the department head 和/or dean is final 和 will be communicated to the student by the registrar within 30 days from the time the appeal is received. 不完整的表格将不获处理.