Completion or graduation, retention and placement rates

Student Right to Know Act

Federal Right to Know and Campus Security Act
The Student Right-to-Know Act, passed by Congress in 1990, requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding, under the Higher Education Act of 1965, 计算取得证书或学位的学生的完成率或毕业率, full-time students entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to current and prospective students. 参加任何第四章课程并有接受体育相关学生援助的学生参加的每个机构都必须按种族/民族披露所有学生的毕业/完成率以及接受体育相关学生援助的学生, gender and by sport, 以及最近四年的平均毕业率, to parents, coaches, and potential student athletes. To read more about the Student Right-to-Know Act, please visit the National Center for Education Statistics website at

 除了获得体育相关经济援助的学生运动员的毕业率, 西南基督教大学遵守联邦知情权和校园安全法的其他报告要求. 下列资料亦经由下列有关办事处报告:

Campus Crime Statistics – Dean of Student Life, k8 Website Annual Crime Report

Student-Athlete Graduation Rates - IPEDS Survey Data
The Higher Education Act of 1992 mandated that all U.S. 获得第四章资助的机构每年向国家教育统计中心完成IPEDS(综合高等教育数据系统)调查. IPEDS毕业率调查数据基于每个全日制队列的6年毕业率, first-time degree seeking undergraduates. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness, in conjunction with the Office of the Registrar, 准备并报告在特定队列中接受体育相关经济援助的学生运动员的毕业率.

根据1990年的联邦知情权和校园安全法, and in accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended), 西南基督教大学很高兴分享以下凯发全日制学生毕业率的信息, 首次获得学位的本科生和学生运动员已获得体育经济援助. 

查看这些信息时要记住的事情:保留率和毕业率是针对一组选定的学生-夏季和秋季的第一次, Full-time Baccalaureate degree seeking freshmen. While this is an important group to track, it does not represent all of our students*, including students who start in the Spring, transfer students, part-time students, associate degree seeking students, graduate students, or non-degree seeking students. 所有毕业率都是基于6年的出勤率,相当于k8最长学术课程正常完成时间的150%. 毕业率不包括离开学校的学生:在武装部队服役参加官方教会传教, 为了帮助联邦政府的对外援助服务毕业率不包括已经死亡或完全残疾的学生. 因个人或医疗原因退出的学生包括在原始人数中. Additionally, 在西南基督教大学就读的学生转学毕业后,不计入西南基督教大学的毕业率.

*下面互动报告第2页列出的结果衡量标准代表春季入学的学生, transfer students, part-time students, associate degree seeking students.

Student Body Diversity
简要说明:机构必须向当前和未来的学生提供有关学生群体多样性的信息, including the percentage of enrolled, full-time students in the following categories: male, female, self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group, and Federal Pell Grant recipients.

Retention Rates
简要说明:机构必须向当前和未来的学生提供证书或学位申请的保留率, first-time, undergraduate students as reported to IPEDS.

Retention and Graduation Rates

Completion/Graduation Rates
简要说明:每个机构必须每年向未来和入学的学生提供证书或学位寻求的完成或毕业率, first-time, full-time, undergraduate students. The HEOA (Sec. 488(a)(3))增加了一项规定,要求完成率或毕业率必须按性别分列, major racial and ethnic subgroup (as defined in IPEDS), recipients of a Federal Pell Grant, 没有获得佩尔助学金的斯塔福德助学金获得者, 以及既没有获得佩尔助学金也没有获得斯塔福德助学金的学生.

简要说明:每个机构必须在每年7月1日之前提交一份报告,提供给未来的学生运动员和学生的父母, high school guidance counselor, 当时学校提供与运动相关的学生资助. The report must contain the number of students, by race and gender, who attended the institution in the prior year; the number of students who attended in the prior year and who received athletically related aid, categorized by race and gender within each sport (basketball, football, baseball, cross-country and track combined, and all other sports combined); the completion or graduation rate, and if applicable, the transfer-out rate, of the certificate- or degree-seeking first-time, full-time undergraduates, categorized by race and gender for the most recently completing class; the completion or graduation rate, and if applicable, the transfer-out rate, of the certificate- or degree-seeking first-time, 获得体育相关学生资助的全日制本科生, categorized by race and gender within sport. (学生人数少于5人的班级不需要披露这些数据. k8 will have a data set meeting the minimum requirements for 2014 – 2015 academic year); average completion or graduation rate, and, if applicable, transfer-out rate, of the four most recently completing or graduating classes, by race and gender; and average completion or graduation rate, and, if applicable, transfer-out rate, 在最近完成或即将毕业的四个获得体育相关学生资助的班级中, categorized by race and gender within each sport.
